Excellent massage, but I dont normally get massages. She did an excellent job, I got a half hour massage. Should have got full hour. For some reason she didnt want to do another hour. She wanted a 10$ tip, she definitely earned it. She said my muscles were extra tight, and I believe her, also probably why she didnt want to go another hour. Has to be hard on their hands. It took me a lot of effort to get up afterwards, I was so relaxed.
Incredible as it may seem, there were several people getting massages from attractive Asian women. After applying some herbal oil to my skin, they massaged it into my skin and pressed on various acupressure points. My tense muscles are much more relaxed and I feel revitalized as a result. Because of them, I can see its value.
They are the BEST in Town. Friendly, experienced, comfortable surroundings, gorgeous masseuse. All that one can expect in a relaxing environment.
Not appropriate for women, or any respectable man for that matter. Take from that what you will.